
Day 7 - Ready, and Action!

I can't spend one day without watching a movie or a tv series. It's a habit, I guess. It's one of the things I prefer to do on weekends, and also one of my ideal date (don't forget the popcorn).

With that being said, here are a few of my favorite movies for Day 7.

The first of my favorite movie is Harry Potter.

I'm sorry it's very basic, but I grew up reading and watching Harry Potter. Getting all excited when the new book was out, and the movies soon to be followed. I remember how thrilled I was when my mother bought me a new Harry Potter book, and when she took me to the cinema to watch the movies.

So all the spells, magical creatures, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will always have a place in my life. And if you guys wondering which house I am, I got sorted to Gryffindor. Again, very basic, and I did not expect to be sorted to this house, but I know deep down I am a Slytherin. Perhaps they put me into the wrong house.

The next one is The Lord of The Rings.

Yeah, I guess you all can already see what kind of movie genre I enjoy, and most of them are either fantasy or sci-fi. And this movie is still in one of those categories. 

I remember watching it the first time on tv. I guess it was the second TLOTR movie, The Two Towers, and I was hooked straight away, even though I haven't watched the first movie. I kept waiting for the first TLOTR movie to be aired on tv, and I think they aired it again a few months after the third movie.

Legolas, you still got it boo.

And last but definitely not the least is Alice in Wonderland (1951).

This is by far the longest movie I have ever love. I saw this movie at my friend's house when I was still in kindergarten. For a kid, I was blown away by the Wonderland itself. How can such a place exist? And how can I go there? Would the White Rabbit find me here?

Growing up, I realize none of it was real. There's no Wonderland. No cake to make me grow taller or a potion to shrink my body. No Cheshire Cat to appear or reappear as he pleases. No tea time with Mad Hatter, and singing  "The Unbirthday Song" every day.

So I decided to make my own Wonderland in the form of a blog that you all are reading now. It's very unlike the Wonderland from the movie, but I hope this Wonderland still offers the same escape as the Wonderland in the movie.

I guess that's all. There are still tons of movies that I love, but to avoid the post getting very long it could bore you all to death, so I decided to just put three.

And, Cut! 

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