
Day 2 - If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

After previous enthusiasm to write for Day 1, although I'm never good at describing myself, I can personally call it a successful attempt on this challenge. Even to my surprise, I did the whole thing and finished the writing flawlessly. 

Now, moving on to Day 2, we got: 

"Things that make you happy."

Hm... what makes me happy, I wonder?

Well, there are lots of things that can make me happy. For example, when I'm outside, and the sky is blue, birds are chirping, flowers blooming, you know all kinds of stuff you see in Disney movies, that makes me happy.

Or when I sit silently on the bench on the sidewalk just watching the cars and people passing by while plugging my earphone and listening to some music.

Payday, everyone is excited about payday. As well as finished work early and going home on time.

A surprise gift or a spontaneous food delivery from my boyfriend hasn't failed to put a grin on my face. He does a very good job at that, I must tell you. Also, when he asked me how was my day, and genuinely want to know all about it.

Spending an afternoon with my mother at home, playing with my cats, and spend the rest of the day binge-watching Netflix.

Strumming my guitar, jamming to my favorite song. Reading that one novel I still haven't finished. Finally found a mood to pick up a brush and start painting again.

A clean bedsheet to jump into after shower.  

And as simple as recognizing that I am happy makes me happy. *clap*

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