
Day 4 - Places I'd rather be

Well, I hope this writing challenge will not be dragging out for too long. With work and all, it is quite tricky to find quiet time to start the writing. So, please bear with me. I promise myself I will finish what I already started.

Now on day 4, I have to write about the places I want to visit.

There are several places I would like to be right now, given the fact that the current situation is not ideal to live in, but going far away is only wishful thinking, and it is the only thing I can afford at the moment. So let's pretend that it is doable for the sake of continuity of this writing. 

The first is the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Yes, it is not a real place, not even close. But I grew up with Harry Potter and the wizarding world. So I suppose there is no shame in admitting that I would like to be at Hogwarts mastering my spell, learn Herbology, practicing Quidditch, or just taking one of the classes. Strolling around and buy lots of candies in Hogsmeade would be nice as well. 

And since Harry Potter took place in the UK, I have always found myself dreaming about traveling there, if not living. Plus, the accent though, who could resist?

Second, it would be Middle Earth. Again, not a real place.

Besides Harry Potter, I also grew up watching The Lord of The Rings trilogy. I saw the soft land of green grass, the warm vibe of Shire, rocky mountain, the ever-awestruck Minas Tirith (which was inspired by the real place, Mont St. Michel), and the dreamy Rivendell.

But the first thing that really seals the deal for me was the Hobbiton itself. The ambiance of the whole place was overwhelming. I could not believe such a place really exists. The real Hobbiton is in Waikato, New Zealand. It is not too far from Indonesia, but again, wishful thinking is the only thing I can afford right now.

And the last place I want to visit, I promise this time it is a real place, has got to be Iceland.

I kid you not, the landscape of Iceland is truly breathtaking. Go watch The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The movie certainly did Icelandic nature justice in its landscape shots, especially where Walter Mitty skateboards down Fjarðarheiði to Seyðisfjörður. Do not ask me how to pronounce it.

Still not convincing enough? Okay. Have you heard of a little movie called Interstellar? The film set took place in Máfabót, a low land between the Atlantic Ocean and Iceland’s Skafta River. Svínafellsjökull Glacier also features as a backdrop for Interstellar. Again, do not ask me how to pronounce it.

There are actually numerous movies shoot in Iceland because it offers such a nature that is out of this world. And because of this reason, Iceland also lands a place in the list of places I need to see before I die.

So many more places I would like to visit, but I just put three to shorten the post so you guys will not fall asleep halfway through.

And that's a wrap!

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