
Day 3 - Cruising the memory lane

When thinking about a memory, what was the first thing that popped up in your mind? That fun holiday you took with your friends? A memorable weekend getaway with your significant other? The old house you grew up in? Your graduation day? Well, the list goes on. 

For me, it was when I was still a little kid and had zero care in the world. The problem I had to figure out was how to watch three anime at the same time. The other time was what color I should use for my drawing. Such a simpler time back then.

Never knew heartbreak in its all gloriousness. The only heartbreak I knew was when that famous "to be continued" popped up at the end of an anime. The term "world is the playground" was still valid. Now the world is a terrible place we found ourselves so unfortunately existing in.

The happiest moment always came on Eid Al Fitr. I could get money from my relatives, mudik, and holiday all in one. The second was on Indonesia Independence Day. I got to decorate our street with my friends, decorate our bikes as well, not to mention all the contests I could participate in, and we would watch the carnival by the end of the day. And the last one would be on New Year's Eve. All of our neighbors would hang together, barbequing, karaoke, and blasting the fireworks when the clock struck twelve.

But then like every good thing in life, those too must come to an end as we grew up.  

I guess what I missed is its simplicity and what a joyful time it has been. If only I could hold on to that moment, keep it in a jar beside my bed, so at the end of the day, I could play it back over and over. To remind me that I was once that happy, and everything was once fine.

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