
Day 30 - Bleeding ink

Some things are easier to write than said, some even meaningless unless written. That's why writing has always been my coping mechanism. I wrote about almost everything as far as I can remember. I don't think I can make it this far without writing. It helps me so much.


Day 29 - Goals

To think about the future in the times like this, when everything seems so bleak, really doesn't give out any optimism. The pandemic is still going strong across the globe, and it seems there is no slowing it down anytime soon. 


Day 28 - Another form of freefall

I know about love just as much as the next person because it is an intricate feeling we humans ever discovered. But throughout every heartbreak and every butterfly, below are my interpretation about loving someone for Day 28.

Please be advised that it may not be the same as how others interpret it.


Day 27 - Inspiration

fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

And for Day 27, I have to tell a story about someone who inspires me.

Brace yourselves, because... I don't have a certain someone who inspires me. 


Day 26 - Semut merah yang berbaris di dinding

Katanya masa-masa di sekolah dulu adalah masa-masa paling indah. Penuh tawa, sibuk mencari jati diri, jatuh dan putus cinta berkali-kali. Katanya. 

Kalo saya sih biasa aja, soalnya ngga yang gimana-gimana juga masa sekolah saya, malah cenderung membosankan karena ya saya juga bukan murid yang gimana-gimana hahahaha.


Day 25 - A picture is worth a thousand words

Sebenarnya agak malu sih untuk tema tulisa di hari kedua puluh lima ini, soalnya gue diharuskan untuk menjelaskan tentang "Something inspired of the 11th image on your phone", yang mana gue akan ngasih lihat isi galeri handphone gue. 

Bukan karena isinya ada yang aneh-aneh, tapi karena isinya berantakan banget. Hahahaha. Tapi berhubung temanya seperti itu, dan tidak ada tawar-menawar, jadi yasudah.


Day 24 - Tumbuh

Cerita ini berawal dari sebatang pohon ceri yang ada di lantai 3 kantor. Gue ngga tahu nama betulan pohonnya apa, tapi orang-orang bilang itu pohon ceri. Jadi yaudah, anggap aja pohon ceri ya. 

Dari pertama gue masuk kantor, si pohon ceri ini sudah ada. Dan sedihnya, dia ngga ada yg ngerawat. Jadi ketika lagi musim panas, daun-daunnya banyak yang menguning dan kering. Gue ngga tega ngelihatnya dia kehausan gitu, jadi tiap pagi (kalau ngga telat masuk kantor) gue siramin.


Day 23 - Somebody that I used know

Cuy, apa kabar lo nyong? Masih hidup kan?

Saking ngga pernah ngobrol lagi, gue sudah ngga tahu kabar lo di sana gimana, sehatkah? Atau lagi mumetkah? 


Day 22 - How was your day?

Biasanya gue menceritakan tentang hari-hari gue ke pacar via Facetime, tapi khusus untuk hari ini gue akan ceritakan di sini sebagai setoran tulisan di hari ke-21 "Write About Today".

Ngga ada yang spesial di hari ini, sama aja kayak hari-hari sebelumnya.


Day 21 - /lʌv/

What's there to write about love? Aren't we all still searching for the answer to that million-dollar question? Through every song, every book, every story that has ever been told, we are looking for a glimpse of what love really is.


Day 20 - Yang panas di kening, yang dingin dikenang

"Ada apa dengan cinta?
Tapi aku pasti akan kembali dalam satu purnama
Untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya.
Bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa
tapi untukku
Karena aku ingin kamu, itu saja."

Mungkin puisi di atas sudah tidak asing di telinga, siapa yang ngga kenal dengan sosok Rangga di film paling hits era 2000-an, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, diperankan oleh calon suami gue Nicholas Saputra. Ngga usah didebat untuk statement gue yang paling akhir. Please.

Dan untuk hari kedua puluh ini celebrity crush yang akan gue ceritakan adalah Nicholas Saputra.


Day 19 - What I dreaming of when I go to bed

They said first love never dies. I beg to differ. All the love I felt for this person vanished as soon as I entered high school. There was no leftover feeling whatsoever. 

For day 19, I will tell you a brief story about my first love.


Day 18 - And that's the tea~

a thing that is known or proved to be true.

What have you guys gathered from all of these writings that have not been clear enough to describe me as a person? I feel like it should have sufficed by now. Plus, I wrote a whole post about my so-called personality