
Day 18 - And that's the tea~

a thing that is known or proved to be true.

What have you guys gathered from all of these writings that have not been clear enough to describe me as a person? I feel like it should have sufficed by now. Plus, I wrote a whole post about my so-called personality

But, if those ramblings and babblings are not enough to solve the inquiries about me, which no one gives a damn, here I present you thirty facts about me. Which, again, no one asks, but I have to do it because of the challenge. So, let's just get on with it.

  1. I should have been born in October but somehow ended up on the first day of November. 
  2. I had a brother, so I'm the youngest.
  3. My dad and my brother are both passed away. So it's just my mother and me now.
  4. The first letter from each of my family members' names is in alphabetical order. My brother starts with A, my mother B, me and my dad are C.
  5. I can carry a tune but never consider myself a good singer. Lol.
  6. I can play a little bit of guitar, at least good enough for a song.
  7. I love to write but never consider making it a career and more like a hobby, unlike my boyfriend, who writes for a living. He's an excellent writer.
  8. I prefer a potato over rice.
  9. I once wrote that I'm a forgetful person way back in 2014, and sadly it still has not changed, even for a bit. I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I am still trying my best to be less forgetful.
  10. I choose water anytime over other beverages.
  11. I can't stand the cold, so you'll find me burritoing in cold weather. 
  12. I love pasta.
  13. Red and yellow are my favorite color. 
  14. Even though red and yellow are my favorite color, I often wear nude or brown clothes.
  15. I have dislocated jaws, and I have no idea what causes it. I can't sleep on my left side.
  16. Some people have a connection with a certain number and may even call it their lucky number, I don't have it. 
  17. I used to dislike having a short hair, now I prefer to have one.
  18. I don't really like roses, my favorite flower is the sunflower.
  19. I wish I were a whale so I can swim. I can't swim.
  20. I like to ask weird questions. Most people roll their eyes when I do this. Only a few can handle this trait of mine. 
  21. I don't even know since when I developed this, but sadly, I'm one of those noisy sleepers.
  22. I hate paper cut so much even writing it makes the spaces between my fingers itch. 
  23. I love both dogs and cats, but currently, I have two cats named Jabba & Boba. 
  24. I still can see everything quite clearly, but I like how I look with glasses. 
  25. "I'm not really good at starting a conversation, but let's talk anyway :)"
  26. I love you.
  27. While some people need coffee to boost their mood, I'm not one of those people. I don't like coffee at all. However, I love the ambiance of the coffee shop.
  28. Favorite curse: Fuck. 
  29. I love watching a cooking show but never have the energy to actually do some cooking.
  30. Contrary to popular habit in Indonesia, I can't eat with my hand. Even in any of those restaurants where they don't give out a spoon because most of people eat with their hands, I always ask for one.





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