"I did my best, yet it's still not enough."
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I realized death is really just around the corner, but I never really thought it would be that fast.
My brother was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night, 6th February 2020, it was for surgery to remove an abscess on his back. His condition worsened when I got there on Friday. We moved him to the ICU on Friday night, hoping he might get better. He didn't. His heart gave out by Saturday morning, around 9-10 am.
As you grow older, the expectations people have about you increase as well. It sucks, but somehow it's just how society is. For example, if you turn thirty, they expect you to be married, have a baby on the way, sitting in a managerial position at your work, and own a house.
was the question I got yesterday from one of my colleagues back in the Philippines. Honestly, I used to be against marriage. I didn't want to get married because I always thought marriage was only destined to end in divorce. So what's the point of getting married if I will just end up getting a divorce in the end?
It's like driving.
The road starts to twist and turn, birthing intersection here and there. Streetlights are no use for guidance, they dim rapidly. And street signs are nowhere to be found. There's no map to help because it would be cheating, they said. So I just stop there at the red light, watching all the cars around me rushing past.
I thought there was something wrong with my ears when he said, "Let's end this.". But no, my ears were fine. Us, on the other hand, apparently were not.
Write about anything and every little thing.
Write about the way light breaks through the trees. About cloudy nights in summer. Write about that coffee you drank this morning and how it reminded you of a deadline you have to finish tomorrow. Write about your pets. Write about how you feel about that movie you just watched and threw popcorn at. About a guitar you just bought.
Have you seen the news lately? It was anything but good news. The increased number of Covid-19 cases, hospitals running out of bed, and people dying. Although the number of vaccine services has increased as well, and more people got their doses, the bleakness of this global pandemic doesn't seem to lessen.
"Semoga dengan siapapun saya menikah nanti (dengan catatan saya akan menikah pada akhirnya), dia ngga akan terganggu dengan cekikian, jejeritan, dan celotehan saya ketika baca buku, sama seperti ngga terganggunya ketika dia dengar bunyi detik jarum jam."
Matahari sedikit lebih cepat pulang ke peraduannya, mungkin malu karena kamu bersinar terang sekali hari itu. Pepohonan di sekitar berdebar lantaran senyummu bertambah seribu kali lipat manisnya. Itu pohon-pohon, bayangkan menjadi aku. Sungguh Tuhan, pemandangan di depanku adalah mahakaryaMu yang tiada duanya. Berlebihan, tapi tak apa, kalau tentangmu tidak ada cukup yang benar-benar cukup.
Untuk seorang yang berjuang setengah mati supaya tidak lagi menjadi pecandu, ternyata hanya butuh jalan temaram ramai kendaraan dan tanganmu yang tak hentinya kugenggam, untuk kembali menjadi salah satunya. Yang lalu jatuh tergelincir dengan sukarela dari ujung jari-jari tanganmu yang sibuk kukecup semalaman, menyisipkan deklarasi hati pada setiap kesempatannya.
Langit malam itu penuh sesak dengan doa diam-diam supaya selamanya bisa dimulai dari sekarang.
The aftermath when two people who had promised to be with each other cannot work it out anymore could be horrid. Even if the parting is inevitable, and you saw that coming, knowing very well what would happen next, still, no one is truly ready for the heartbreak.
It throws you off from the course, your whole world trembling. You have to change everything because everything is not going to be the way it used to anymore. It could shatter you completely.
Wow... ngga nyangka kalau 30 Days Writing Challengenya bisa selesai, walaupun ngga tepat waktu sih, tapi paling ngga sudah selesai. Rasanya gimana? I feel nothing actually. Ngga ada rasa senang, lega, bahagia, excited atau apapun. Entah, mungkin saat itu saya sedang merasa withdrawn juga jadinya saya ngga ada rasa yang gimana-gimana.