
Day 30 - Bleeding ink

Some things are easier to write than said, some even meaningless unless written. That's why writing has always been my coping mechanism. I wrote about almost everything as far as I can remember. I don't think I can make it this far without writing. It helps me so much.


Day 29 - Goals

To think about the future in the times like this, when everything seems so bleak, really doesn't give out any optimism. The pandemic is still going strong across the globe, and it seems there is no slowing it down anytime soon. 


Day 28 - Another form of freefall

I know about love just as much as the next person because it is an intricate feeling we humans ever discovered. But throughout every heartbreak and every butterfly, below are my interpretation about loving someone for Day 28.

Please be advised that it may not be the same as how others interpret it.


Day 27 - Inspiration

fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

And for Day 27, I have to tell a story about someone who inspires me.

Brace yourselves, because... I don't have a certain someone who inspires me. 


Day 26 - Semut merah yang berbaris di dinding

Katanya masa-masa di sekolah dulu adalah masa-masa paling indah. Penuh tawa, sibuk mencari jati diri, jatuh dan putus cinta berkali-kali. Katanya. 

Kalo saya sih biasa aja, soalnya ngga yang gimana-gimana juga masa sekolah saya, malah cenderung membosankan karena ya saya juga bukan murid yang gimana-gimana hahahaha.


Day 25 - A picture is worth a thousand words

Sebenarnya agak malu sih untuk tema tulisa di hari kedua puluh lima ini, soalnya gue diharuskan untuk menjelaskan tentang "Something inspired of the 11th image on your phone", yang mana gue akan ngasih lihat isi galeri handphone gue. 

Bukan karena isinya ada yang aneh-aneh, tapi karena isinya berantakan banget. Hahahaha. Tapi berhubung temanya seperti itu, dan tidak ada tawar-menawar, jadi yasudah.


Day 24 - Tumbuh

Cerita ini berawal dari sebatang pohon ceri yang ada di lantai 3 kantor. Gue ngga tahu nama betulan pohonnya apa, tapi orang-orang bilang itu pohon ceri. Jadi yaudah, anggap aja pohon ceri ya. 

Dari pertama gue masuk kantor, si pohon ceri ini sudah ada. Dan sedihnya, dia ngga ada yg ngerawat. Jadi ketika lagi musim panas, daun-daunnya banyak yang menguning dan kering. Gue ngga tega ngelihatnya dia kehausan gitu, jadi tiap pagi (kalau ngga telat masuk kantor) gue siramin.


Day 23 - Somebody that I used know

Cuy, apa kabar lo nyong? Masih hidup kan?

Saking ngga pernah ngobrol lagi, gue sudah ngga tahu kabar lo di sana gimana, sehatkah? Atau lagi mumetkah? 


Day 22 - How was your day?

Biasanya gue menceritakan tentang hari-hari gue ke pacar via Facetime, tapi khusus untuk hari ini gue akan ceritakan di sini sebagai setoran tulisan di hari ke-21 "Write About Today".

Ngga ada yang spesial di hari ini, sama aja kayak hari-hari sebelumnya.


Day 21 - /lʌv/

What's there to write about love? Aren't we all still searching for the answer to that million-dollar question? Through every song, every book, every story that has ever been told, we are looking for a glimpse of what love really is.


Day 20 - Yang panas di kening, yang dingin dikenang

"Ada apa dengan cinta?
Tapi aku pasti akan kembali dalam satu purnama
Untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya.
Bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa
tapi untukku
Karena aku ingin kamu, itu saja."

Mungkin puisi di atas sudah tidak asing di telinga, siapa yang ngga kenal dengan sosok Rangga di film paling hits era 2000-an, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta, diperankan oleh calon suami gue Nicholas Saputra. Ngga usah didebat untuk statement gue yang paling akhir. Please.

Dan untuk hari kedua puluh ini celebrity crush yang akan gue ceritakan adalah Nicholas Saputra.


Day 19 - What I dreaming of when I go to bed

They said first love never dies. I beg to differ. All the love I felt for this person vanished as soon as I entered high school. There was no leftover feeling whatsoever. 

For day 19, I will tell you a brief story about my first love.


Day 18 - And that's the tea~

a thing that is known or proved to be true.

What have you guys gathered from all of these writings that have not been clear enough to describe me as a person? I feel like it should have sufficed by now. Plus, I wrote a whole post about my so-called personality


Day 17 - And the winner is...

The human heart is such a strange thing. How one can fit all their emotions into a tiny beating vessel next to the lungs. Love and hatred can exist side by side. It will take a long time, if not forever, to really understand the way it works. 

Day 16 - Damba

Katanya rindu itu berat, ngga akan ada yang sanggup. Untuk pernyataan itu, aku setuju. Merindu sungguh lah suatu hal yang membuat nalar jadi kalang-kabut. Segelas penuh sirup mangga bisa berubah rasa menjadi tawar. Malam cerah bertabur bintang diromantisasi habis-habisan. Candunya mampu mengobrak-abrik tatanan hati yang sudah setengah mati dijaga baik-baik. Ruang kosong jadi terlalu bising. Meratap diam-diam ingin beradu mata dengan yang sudah beda dunia.

Yang dirindukan namanya sedang dibawa terbang oleh malaikat ke surga.


Day 15 - Knock knock? Who's there?

Up until today, 2020 hasn't brought us any good news. To sums it up, 2020 is nothing but disaster and misery. To think that 2020 will be over in a month, it feels like the year went to waste. It's entirely normal for people wanting to run away from all this chaos as soon as possible.

"If you could run away, where would you go?" was the question I have to answer for Day 15.


Day 14 - Outfit of The Day

Gue diminta untuk menceritakan tentang style gue di hari keempat belas ini. Style? Style apa nih? Like, fashion kind of style? Atau style menulis? Style apaaa? Harry Styles? Ea garing. Mari kita asumsikan maksud dari style ini adalah fashion style, biar cepat.

Sebetulnya, gue ngga ada style khusus yang harus selalu gue ikuti. Selama menurut gue itu cocok, dan terlihat bagus di gue ya gue pakai. Gue tipe yang mengutamakan kenyamanan. But, beauty is pain, no pain no gain.


Day 13 - Next Chapter

As a self-proclaim booknerd, which you can ask my friends to testify, when I saw the theme for Day 13 was about favorite book, I thought to myself, "this should be easy." and as per usual, I was dead wrong. This is not easy at all, not even the slightest. I can't choose which of those books are my favorites. There are too many of them!



Day 12 - "It's going to be legend... wait for it..."

"and I hope you’re not lactose-intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is…dary! Legendary!”

For every time I spent on Netflix or any other streaming service, seventy-five percent of it was for watching tv series. There are lots of excellent tv series throughout streaming services out there, ranging from comedies, horror, K-dramas, sci-fi, etc. 


Day 11 - Letter to heaven

Hai Bang,
Apa kabar? Lagi ngapain di sana? Seru ngga? Heaven must be really nice. Say hi to Dad for me please.

Bang, gue ulang tahun lho kemarin, masih ingat kan? Udah 27 tahun gue sekarang, gila ya udah tua banget gue. Kadang gue sendiri pun masih ngga percaya kalau gue udah setua ini. Lo juga ngga pernah absen ngucapin selamat ulang tahun ke gue.


Getting Older (Again)

Rasanya baru kemarin gue bertambah umur, sekarang sudah makin banyak angkanya. Umurnya makin banyak, tapi rasanya masih berbanding terbalik dengan achievement. Gue masih jauh tertinggal dengan teman-teman kebanyakan. Kalau kalimat penghiburnya sih, "Tiap orang kan timelinenya beda-beda."


Day 10 - Persahabatan bagai kepompong

Saya bukan tipe orang yang punya teman di setiap tikungan. Sekadar kenal dan sering berinteraksi belum tentu saya anggap teman. Yang saya anggap teman cuma sedikit, teman dekat malah lebih sedikit lagi. Sedikit bukan berarti ngga ada. 

Di hari kesepuluh ini saya diharuskan bercerita tentang mereka-mereka yang saya anggap sebagai teman dekat.


Day 9 - Kachinggg!

Hari kesembilan gue diharuskan untuk menulis tentang kebahagiaan. Ugh. Agak-agak keju nih temanya. Jangan harap gue akan menulis yang menye-menye, sedang tidak ada mood atau energi untuk itu. Imma keep it real for this one.

Bahagia menurut gue adalah transferan uang masuk ratusan juta dollar ke rekening gue. 



Ya ampun, masih hari kedelapan huaaaa. Kirain sudah mau selesai, ternyata masih jauh huhuhu. Yaudah sabar ya, tulisannya pasti dicicil kok, walaupun kayaknya baru bisa selesai challengenya di akhir tahun. Tapi gapapa, yang penting ditulis.

Hari kedelapan ini gue harus menulis tentang "The Power of Music".


Day 7 - Ready, and Action!

I can't spend one day without watching a movie or a tv series. It's a habit, I guess. It's one of the things I prefer to do on weekends, and also one of my ideal date (don't forget the popcorn).

With that being said, here are a few of my favorite movies for Day 7.


Day 6 - Living young, and wild, and free

"Muda, single, good salary. Your life doesn't seem so bad."  - Ari.

I would like to start the post for Day 6 (Happy and Single) with the above sentence. It was said by my dear friend when I was still in the Philippines, circa 2017.


Day 5 - Mereka

Akhirnya sampai juga di hari kelima, tapi masih jauh dari hari ketiga puluh. Jauh banget. Yaudah ngga apa-apa, kan one step at a time. Pelan-pelan yang penting nanti selesai, ya kan?

Di hari kelima ini saya harus menulis tentang orang tua. 

Orang tua saya hanya dua orang manusia dari kalangan biasa. Bukan orang terkenal yang banyak dibincangkan sana-sini, walaupun begitu mereka tetap orang yang saya banggakan, terlepas dari ketidaksempurnaan mereka sebagai manusia.


Day 4 - Places I'd rather be

Well, I hope this writing challenge will not be dragging out for too long. With work and all, it is quite tricky to find quiet time to start the writing. So, please bear with me. I promise myself I will finish what I already started.

Now on day 4, I have to write about the places I want to visit.


Day 3 - Cruising the memory lane

When thinking about a memory, what was the first thing that popped up in your mind? That fun holiday you took with your friends? A memorable weekend getaway with your significant other? The old house you grew up in? Your graduation day? Well, the list goes on. 

For me, it was when I was still a little kid and had zero care in the world. The problem I had to figure out was how to watch three anime at the same time. The other time was what color I should use for my drawing. Such a simpler time back then.


Day 2 - If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

After previous enthusiasm to write for Day 1, although I'm never good at describing myself, I can personally call it a successful attempt on this challenge. Even to my surprise, I did the whole thing and finished the writing flawlessly. 

Now, moving on to Day 2, we got: 

"Things that make you happy."

Hm... what makes me happy, I wonder?


Day 1 - What kind of person I think I am

Yang harus saya tuliskan pertama kali di 30 Days Writing Challenge ini tentang kepribadian diri sendiri.

Waduh, sejujurnya saya agak bingung nih harus mulai dari mana karena saya ngga pernah pandai menilai diri sendiri, pandai menilai orang lain pun kayaknya juga engga hahaha. Tapi berhubung temanya ini jadi yaudah saya coba dulu aja.


30 Days Writing Challenge

Kayaknya sudah ngga perlu penjelasan atau prolog lagi kalau saya itu memang suka menulis, padahal isi tulisan saya juga kebanyakan ngga jelas dan ngga penting-penting amat. Walaupun begitu, saya masih belum berhenti menulis.

Menulis sudah seperti obat, dan blog ini semacam botolnya. Semua tumpah ruah di sini.


Who could stay?

I tend to push people away. Perhaps because my life is an absolute shitshow and I'm just as fucked up, I don't want to drag people into it. I thought the far away they are the better. They have a good life, why would I want them to caught up in mine? 


Hang in there.

2020 has been hard for everyone since the very first day. So many things happened, most of them brought nothing but bad news. It is like living one hardship after another. Scratch that, this is not even living anymore, we are surviving. We are constantly trying to found a way to keep breathing amidst all the obstacles we have to face each day. 


Teori Bebas

Mungkin satu-satunya cara untuk bebas hanya mati. Tapi setelahnya pun tidak semerta-merta merdeka, harus melewati Pengadilan Sang Maha Tinggi.

Jadi mungkin bebas itu hanya sebatas teori. Tidak lebih dari sekadar sisa-sisa mimpi di penghujung pagi. Kilasan dari asa yang dulu pernah membara namun sudah hangus dimakan sepi.

Yang kerap digunakan sebagai mantra oleh mereka-mereka untuk terus berusaha berdiri, walau punggung sudah bungkuk tak tegap lagi.


Saya terima baik buruknya, dengan segala kerumitannya, dan akan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang baik di masa depan, tunai.

Semua orang punya masa lalu, bagaimanapun warna, bentuk, dan ceritanya. Paling ngga itu menandakan bahwa kita benar-benar hidup dan masih manusia, bukan sosok khayalan yang dimanifestasi dalam otak seseorang atau robot canggih buatan ilmuwan dalam suatu lab (kebanyakan baca novel sci-fi). Lagipula ngga tepat rasanya kalau masa lalu jadi satu-satunya tolak ukur pribadi seseorang, terlalu banyak variabel yang harus dipertimbangkan, dan kebetulan gue juga bukan ahlinya dalam menilai orang lain.


Doa Malam Ini, Esok, Dan Seterusnya

Semoga bintang-bintang di atas sana mendengar obrolan malam ini, lalu mengamininya beramai-ramai.
Semoga malaikat-malaikat yang tak sengaja lewat melangitkan semua khayalan malam-malam kemarin, malam ini, dan malam-malam yang akan datang.
Semoga angin yang menyusup halus lewat celah jendela membawa amin paling serius sejagat ke surga.


No Eid's Picture This Year #2

2020 is such a strange time to live.

Never would I have imagined celebrating Eid Al Adha in this manner, wearing a mask, conduct the physical distancing during Eid prayer with each other, including my mother. Even going out to attend the Eid prayer itself is already a risky move to do because of this pandemic, but hey, at least I did all the procedures, and I washed my hands afterward.

Since we have no idea when all of this will end, no family gathering as well today, just like Eid Al Fitr a while ago. And the absence of my brother completes the strangeness. 



The first thing I ran after when I went through a breakup was a distraction, since everything that came after the breakup was only a lingering emptiness.

The room was back to empty, there was no more story to be told, everything must switch back to the way before anything ever happened, and there was just no more. The void it left behind was excruciating. That was when distractions played an important part in becoming my coping mechanism, and when I got sloppy with it.


This might be one of the hardest to write


Sekadar ingin menuliskan keluh kesah, juga segala penat dan lelah.


Saya kira 2019 sudah jadi tahun yang paling berat yang saya lalui, walaupun saya juga tahu sih ke depannya tentunya akan jauh lebih berat, tapi saya ngga nyangka kalau akan seberat ini. Ibarat kayak main game. Saya masih di level beginner tapi rintangannya serasa di level expert. Saya kalut, ngga tahu gimana caranya menghadapi semua ini sendirian. 


Copy that

Okay, I've been on Blogspot since 2011 and I know people usually visit my blog to copy some articles (that I also copied, with credit, of course), for their college assignment, and I am totally fine with that.

However, 10 minutes ago, I was just finished changing my blog address to the old ones, and I searched my blog title in Google to see what kind of result would come up. Then, on the third or fourth page, I saw my blog title but in WordPress. 

Quick note you guys

On a quick and unimportant note:

I changed the address of this blog a while ago out of sheer boredom (the new address was a little bit pretentious tbh), but now I'm changing it back to the old ones just because there are so many digital footprints of the old address scattered in search engines. And I think you guys (whoever you are) are more familiar with the old address, so it'll be easy to find me now.

I suppose that would be all. 

If you are hoping to find a new post to read, well, sorry to disappoint. 


Bad News

Rasanya ngga peduli sudah seberapa sering mempersiapkan diri untuk segala kemungkinan terburuk, begitu dihadapkan pada kenyataannya ya tetap saja ngedown. Mungkin karena dibalik persiapan-persiapan matang itu tanpa sadar masih ada setitik kecil harapan kalau nantinya kemungkinan-kemungkinan buruk itu tidak akan terjadi, makanya persiapan sudah sedemikian rupa tapi masih aja tetap down begitu dengar kabar buruknya.

Lagipula, siapa sih yg siap mendengar berita buruk?


No Eid's Picture This Year

This year's Eid is different than the rest of Eid I had.

First of all, we have Covid-19 which is suck and scares the hell out of people (the smart ones at least), we can't go anywhere because the virus is easily spread and it is deadly, thus no family gathering as well. The second, it was the first Eid my mother and I had to go through without my brother. It felt weird not having him here celebrating Eid with us. The house felt a lot more empty than it was before.


Well, fingers crossed

I guess the reason why I've been hesitating to write about us, the story and every little thing like I used to, is because I don't want to add another name in here if it's only going to waste just like other names before him and end up adding another number to the long list of a failed relationship. 


"This distance is the war, so let's fight it together."

- us against the odds.


Surprise Me!

“Ya ampun...”

Kata saya terkejut sambil mengubah posisi badan, dari rebahan (seperti yg biasa saya lakukan) menjadi duduk karena baru menyadari satu (atau beberapa) hal. Seperti ada yg menyalakan lampu di dalam otak saya, semua menjadi sejelas titik noda hitam di atas kertas putih.


I am still processing this. Even after more than thirty days, I still can't grasp the idea that my brother isn't here anymore. He wasn't always home, and we weren't always talking to each other, but still, not seeing him anymore is just...

Sometimes I feel all of this is just too much for me to handle.



I spent years believing I would be fine on my own, and I don't need a man to survive in this world. I can do it all by myself, I saw my mother doing it her whole life, and so I thought why can't I?

Yet I fell in love. 

Although none of them lasted for a long time since they gave up prematurely. And every time goodbye was spoken to me, it makes me believe it even more.

But after times, it gets lonely.


Yang pergi, relakan.
Yang belum, suatu saat nanti akan.
Yang hilang, nanti digantikan.

Semoga apapun yang baik sudah menanti di depan.

31 December 2019

2020: Memulai Kembali

Impian yang belum tercapai, hubungan yang harus selesai, rencana-rencana yang sudah disusun rapi harus diulang dari awal lagi, dan segala bentuk kegagalan lainnya yang dialami di tahun 2019.